Purpose: Our purpose is to serve the Resistance as the electronic journal of record for the political arm of the Resistance. We plan on providing news and commentary favorable to our Cause in a format accessible to the general public..Commentary is in regular format and is solely the opinions of the Editor and Staff of Resistance Political Front.
Editor Martin Lindstedt
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Fable of Contents
1. ... This Issue's Editorial Commentary
2. ...Monologue
3. ... Concerning Non-ZOG Wolves & ZOG Herd Animals -- by Martin Lindstedt -- Oct. 27, 2002
4.... Amerika Must Stop Whining About 9/11-- by Joe Vialls -- Sept. 7, 2002
5.... Extreme White Hate #1 -- Luke LaVellian -- Nov. 19, 2002
6.... Unintended Consequences -- by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas -- Nov. 14, 2002
7.... If You're Happy And You Know It Bomb Iraq -- by John Robbins
8.... Shut Up & Sit Down, Trent -- by Edgar J. Steele
--Editor Martin Lindstedt
ParaA number of ZOG's jewsmedia have floated the notion of September 11th being declared an Imperial holiday. The gimmick is that Nine-Eleven is deserving to be a 'holy day' commemorating an attack on their great gubbernmint god, described variously as Baal, Mammon, Astarte, or Suck-cess, by the sundry Faithful of a world drunken in its own sanctimonious wrath & with the life-expectancy of Gadarenian swine. Thank Heaven 4 Nine-Eleven, etc., etc.!!! After all, today, no Amerikwan has a holiday named after itself other than Mike King, a.k.a. Martin Lucifer Coon, Jewnior. The Founding Felon Washington and the murderous war criminal & tyrant Dishonest-Ape Lincoon have been shoved aside from the pantheon trough, and must make do with the rest of the Imperaturds, counting Bubba Caligula & Jorge UU the Worst as part of 'President's Day', sharing the smallest month along with a day devoted to the patron saint of copulation and part&parcel of Nigger [Criminal] History Month..
ParaOf course, don't get me wrong. September 11th is supposed to be the Prophet Muhammed's birthday, and thus cause for celebration for honorable ragheads remaining in their Turd-Whirrld pestholes where such belong, in addition to it being Anti-ZOG Day. The ragheads have something new & wonderful to celebrate now in addition before ZOG tries killing them all off for the jews and steals their oil for the sole benefit of Exxxxxx-( x 111 )-on & Enron Republicans.
ParaThere is something satisfying in seeing ZOG 'celebrate' its comeuppance, its ass-whupping, its chickens come home to roost. A day of fear & trembling & leg-pissin' for collabor-traitoring with an especially wicked and degenerate imperial hegemony, even insofar as mighty Evil Empires go, well on its way to the dungheap of history. The wicked flee when no one pursuith, Holy Scripture says, and thus so does ZOG and ZOG's zoglings & zog-hogs. Four thousand kikes got the word from the Mossad to not go to 'work' usury-thieving from the greedy goyim, and so regrettably not a single Ashkenazi-gogsspawn imp got holocausted. Maybe such were told that Jesus Christ was coming back with a scourge and rod-of-iron -- not to mention thoroughly pissed off -- so don't go greedstering to the Twin Temple-Towers of New Babylon on the Prophet's birthday. Several hundred piglice and fire-pigs, not getting the Mossad's heads-up, charged to their deaths and got rewarded faster, non-jewdicially, than Timothy McVeigh. All of 'em shabbes-goy whiggers, of course.
Para They won't be missed.
ParaSo, giving the matter all due consideration, I am all in favor of September 11th being declared an Imperial ZOG holiday. In fact, I've celebrated September 11th twice already, in both 2001 & 2002. Since, as ZOG tells us, dievershitty, like ignorance, is strength, it should be a matter of blind idiotic unquestioning Faith that all of us Imperial herd animals, Resistance activists, regime criminals, and ragheads (both paki and A-rab) can join in jewnitty and find something worthwhile in the contemplation of the value of having a red-letter day to grieve (and gloat) for an orgiastic ZOG's Day sale-a-bray-tion & ass-clown [self] pity-party.
ParaDog bless ZOG.Para
Copyright 2000. Resistance Political Front
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