Extreme White Hate #1

by Luke LaVellian


Subject: Trent "Low Rent" Lott

Phony "good old boy" and all-round scum froth, Trent Lott lied the other day that he thinks that ZOG troops on our Southern Border would be a "good idea". To have felt the need to say such a thing, he must be catching a lot of heat from Aryans in his state who haven't figured out his routine of licking out the kike ass in front of him while reaching around and hand-jobbing as many constituents as possible. This prime example of whigger trash with a perceptible amount of red nigger blood, will NEVER do anything that might even accidently redound to the benefit of Aryans.

Once again the country-club party feels threatened enough to play their old game of co-opting a racist issue. This verbal fart of Lott's will amount to nothing. There are exactly ZERO members in the House or Senate who stand for White Racist values. In other words, they all deserve to fly the same "friendly skies" that Paul Wellstone and family did last month. The Spics will continue to swarm in like the diseased locusts that they are, until the Zyklon-spiked "RAID" starts to flow. Filth like Lott will never stop behaving as their crack-whore counterparts in the streets of our glorious inner cities do. As long as the jewish "John" will pay them, the slatterns will continue pulling their "tricks".



Subject: The Nigger Carr Brothers To Be "Put To Sleep"

Oh WHOOPEEEE!! "We" finally "won one".

The two apeling architects of the "Wichita Massacre" were sentenced the other day to "fall asleep" forever. Said sentence to be carried out after all 666 appeals have been exhausted and the two shit-skins are a combined age of 150.

I can see it now. Self-loathing sixties filth like Martin Sheen(ny) and Jusan Sarandon will soon be calling for a new "fair" trial to be held where these "poor unfortunates" will be afforded the right to a jury of their "peers" (12 fellow living fossils) and a judge with a record of "respect" for (sub)human rights (a nigger or Jimmy Carter-type whigger). Miserable trash like Sheen(ny) and Jusan are so sick in the head that they are honestly capable of believing that the lone survivor in the Carr case may have been so influenced by "societal conditioning" that she could have imagined that her attackers were nigger savages when "in fact" they were actually shaven headed White males who belonged to some local "supremacist" group.

This is the kind of worthless lemming trash that we see in our news and entertainment media today. They also terrorize the halls of academia and defile the nation's pulpits with their kike-scripted masonic mantras.

The two "male" VOLUNTEERS (not victims) of the Carr Soul Bros. were just the sort of whiggerized castrates that ZOG has produced in abundance the last 40+ years. By no stretch of the imagination do they qualify as White martyrs or White ANYTHING for that matter.

I only bring up the case again to make the point that there is no reason to waste emotion on these two niggers. The people who are truly deserving of cold teutonic hatred are those members of our own race that long ago embraced the sewer values of Universalism. They are the ones that have given these beasts access to Aryans. They are the one's who prattle on about "equality" and "brotherhood". They are the one's who will financially ruin and/or imprison those of our kind who will not submit to their criminal demands. These traitors are the true rapists and murderers of Aryans.

If someone slipped a venomous Scorpion into the bed of a loved one at night and you awoke to find him/her dead the next day, would you be content to merely crush it and give no thought to how it got there? Would you bury your kin and tell yourself that justice had been served? Of course you wouldn't. The Scorpion was only there because someone WANTED it there. You would do everything possible to locate the REAL perpetrator and wouldn't spend an inordinate amount of time cursing the scorpion for being a scorpion.

So it is with niggers, spics, and all of the other mud races that plauge us. Ultimately, it is the sole responsibility of "elite" White race traitors EVERY time some beaner immigrunt attacks one of our women. If these criminals were not so adverse to paying White workers a living wage, they wouldn't be bringing millions of these pepper-bellies in. Every nigger who feels comfortable enough to slink around White neighborhoods at night does so BECAUSE of laws and standards put in place by these rich, soulless swine. That this is down largely at the behest of organized jewry is hardly mitigating. In fact, that they associate with kikes for personal profit and aggrandizement makes them the lowest sort of individuals there are: THOSE WHO SERVE THE INTERESTS OF ANOTHER RACE AGAINST THEIR OWN.

The fact that they suck up to their jew friends and collegues by echoing their call for a "One World" Coffee-colored proletariet, reveals them as vile beyond the ability of the english language to express. Nothing that could be done to such people would EVER be enough. That doesn't mean we shouldn't "try", though.



Subject: Netanyahu to "expel" Arafat if elected PM of Isn'tReal

This is good news from a revolutionary perspective. The authentic Palestinian resistance would hardly be demoralized if old "Bibi" gave Yassir the boot. In fact, it would only serve to radicalize some of the Arabs currently suffering from the delusion that there still might be a negotiated two-state solution. Hey kikes, VOTE NETANYAHU! He has my endorsement.

--Luke LaVellian


"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL



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