.Oct. 7, 2003 To: Presiding Judge Timothy W. Perigo,
Newton County Courthouse
101 South Wood
Neosho, Missouri 64850Re: Suggestions to this Court regarding an illegal Granby
municipal court, its violation of Missouri Statutes, its
lack of jurisdiction, and its treasonous violation of the
requirements to be open, that as Presiding judge your duty
to close this illegal court lacking jurisdiction down, and
to have criminally prosecuted the City of Granby city
council, its city attorney/prosecutor and appointed judge
and have these lawyers disbarred.Rule 84.20 Letter To This CourtComes now before this Circuit Court, Martin 'Mad-Dog' Lindstedt, Petitioner, under provision of Missouri Rules of Court, Rule 84.20, in this Letter To This Court to make suggestions regarding the duty of this Court, and its presiding judge, to close down an illegal municipal court in which the officers of a municipal corporation in Granby illegally appointed a lawyer to act as their sympathetic judge in violation of Missouri Revised Statute (RSMo) 479.230 demanding a municipal special election in which Petitioner would have been a candidate. Furthermore, other laws were violated in a criminal conspiracy to disallow Petitioner to witness the goings on of this corrupt and illegal municipal court. The purpose of this letter is to inform this Circuit Court of the misconduct of this illegal municipal court which claims to be a division of this Circuit Court, so that this Circuit Court can act in accordance with law, or be held accountable for the treasonous barratry of both itself and its illegal subsidiary, the Granby municipal court.
1. On September 10, 2003, I presented a similar letter to Attorney Ann Wells, showing that she was running an illegal municipal court, one without any jurisdiction as there should have been called a special municipal election after the elected municipal court judge, Steven White, was sent to Iraq to participate in the Zionist Occupation Forces with the 203rd Engineer Battalion of the Missouri National Guard in May 2003, a month after the municipal election of April, 2003, in which I was a candidate for municipal judge. Following is an excerpt from that letter:
The only lawful purpose of having a municipal court is to hear and try violations of municipal ordinances, which in turn have to be lawful in terms of not violating the rights and privileges of state and federal citizens. Anything which is a violation of state statutes must be brought before a division of this Circuit Court, and not tried in municipal court.This attorney lacks jurisdiction to try cases as both she and this municipality are in violation of Missouri Revised Statutes (RSMo) 479.230. Municipal Courts and Traffic Courts, Section 479.230, Absence of judge, procedure. 479.230.
Municipal Courts and Traffic Courts, Section 479.230, Absence of judge, procedure. 479.230.Under a reading of this statute, the present appointee, Attorney Anne Wells, has no jurisdiction to act as a municipal judge. The next general municipal election is held in April, which is seven months away. Therefore, lacking jurisdiction, any cases heard tonight would be null and void. This Petitioner has seen Anne Wells presiding over municipal court on the second Wednesday of July, 2003, and these cases should be rendered null and void as well.1. If a municipal judge be absent, sick or disqualified from acting, the mayor or chairman of the board of trustees may request the presiding judge of the circuit court to designate a special municipal judge as provided in subsection 2 of this section or the mayor or chairman may designate some competent, eligible person to act as municipal judge until such absence or disqualification shall cease; provided, however, that should a vacancy occur in the office of an elected municipal judge more than six months before a general municipal election, then a special election shall be held to fill such vacancy; and in case of vacancy in the office of an elected municipal judge within less than six months of a general municipal election, the office may be filled by a competent, eligible person designated by the mayor or chairman of the board of trustees or as provided in subsection 2 of this section.
2. The presiding judge of the circuit court may appoint any other municipal judge within the circuit to act as a special municipal judge for a municipal judge of the circuit who is absent, sick or disqualified from acting. The presiding judge shall act only upon request of the mayor or chairman of the board of trustees for a special municipal judge.
Petitioner finished second in this April's municipal election to the absent municipal judge, Steve White, presently serving in the Zionist Occupation Forces in Iraq. It was understood that it was quite likely that the 203rd Engineering Battalion of the Missouri National Guard would be called up for a second Iraqi war, yet Mr. White chose to run as a candidate for municipal judge. Petitioner knew that something like this was going to happen, and that the Newton County District Court system was corrupt enough to willfully disobey the law but hoped that no one would catch them.
Therefore, this is an illegal court. Any decisions reached by this court are subject to litigation for illegal activity by those who were victimized by this illegal court. Petitioner also has standing to file criminal and civil complaints because of a deliberate willful failure to hold the mandated election for municipal judge and in which Petitioner has often been a candidate for municipal judge.
Petitioner asks that this court restrain itself from further illegal activities by dismissing any and all charges pending against any violations of municipal ordinances. Petitioner would also inform the attorney running this illegal court that she is already required by Revised Missouri Statutes 479.170 to disqualify herself for any violations of state law.
However, the City of Granby city council did not want to hold a special election for fear that Petitioner, who has consistently run for municipal judge in the town of Granby in which Petitioner resides, would win a special election by default of other candidates. Petitioner has never made any secret of his knowledge that the courts and police are corrupt and that most issues brought up are spurious and abuses of power by corrupt greedy prosecutors. Petitioner has had great experience in fighting corrupt courts, including this Court and yourself as a judge, Perigo. Your own behavior has been unlawful and corrupt, and Petitioner has enjoyed lampooning it in Petitioner's own opinions. Petitioner made no secret of his determination to dismiss spurious police charges designed not for the public safety and welfare, but those brought up solely for revenue collection under color of law, and to re-open cases in which injustice was served.
So rather than obey the clear dictates of RSMo 479.230 and hold an election, or simply not hold any municipal court whatsoever so no special election would have been needed, the municipal corporation of the City of Granby chose to appoint an attorney to hear revenue cases before her court of no lawful jurisdiction. The elected judge, Steve White, wound up most of his cases, deliberately so, because the Second Gulf War started on March 19th 2003, and the municipal election was held on April 8, 2003, and it was known that this municipal judge and most of his policemen would be called to Iraq. Therefore, the lawfully elected municipal judge chose to clear the docket so that there would be no cases involving himself which would have to be cleared up by an illegally appointed successor, or cleaned up with a vengeance by a lawfully elected successor, i.e., myself.
What this municipal corporation has chosen to do is to prime the revenue pump by installing an appointed lawyer and running an illegal municipal court under color of law. It would have been immoral and unethical simply to not hold an election and not hold a municipal court. However, due to greed over fine and ticket money, the officers of this municipal corporation chose to allow all manner of bogus cases to proceed before their corrupt municipal court and they chose a corrupt (redundant adjective) lawyer to process these cases before an unlawful pretend court.
Revised Missouri Statutes 479.230 plainly demands a special election for municipal judge upon the absence of the elected municipal judge. The elected judge, Steven White, was made absent on May 21, 2003 and shall be in the Iraq Occupation a minimum of May 2004. Thus the current municipal court is illegal and without jurisdiction. Since you are the Presiding Judge for this 40th Judicial Circuit, and this illegal municipal court is under your supervision and supposed jurisdiction, you really have no lawful choice other than to shut it down immediately, before another round of corruption and injustice can be held at 6:00 p.m. Oct. 9, 2003.
2. At the illegal court session held at 6:00 p.m. September 10, 2003, the appointed municipal judge, Attorney Ann Wells, after I filed a letter explaining her criminal behavior in holding an illegal court, threatened me with arrest for simply sitting and observing her court. When I offered to be silent, she still refused. When I said that I had to help my ex-son-in-law with his case, she refused as well. I pointed out that her conduct was illegal, that all courts in Missouri are supposed to be open tribunals, she said, quote, "This is my court and my courtroom and I can do anything that I want to!"
I told her that was as sweeping an unlawful claim to acceed to criminality or corruption as anything I have ever heard from lawyers and judges. I went back to tell my ex- son-in-law that I couldn't do anything to help him and was followed by a Granby police officer. I again asked that if I didn't leave, obey her unlawful order, would I be arrested, and she said yes, before an audience of 40 or 50 people.
3. As the Presiding Judge of this judicial circuit Petitioner is bring your attention to this matter. This Circuit Court has a duty to immediately suspend this illegal municipal court, return all moneys and fines collected since the lawful and elected municipal judge was absent, and to discipline Attorneys Ann Wells and Brett A. Day as officers of this court in knowingly and unlawfully acting to violate the law and ethics by running and prosecuting in an unlawful municipal court. I hereby demand that this Court carry out its lawful duties to weed out corruption and criminality in its subordinate courts.
4. A copy of this letter shall be posted on the Internet and sent to the lawful authorities responsible for your conduct as you are responsible for the municipal court's unlawful and criminal misconduct.
Lawfully Submitted,
Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt
Republican Candidate for Governor -- 2004
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