.This evening, a young man up to no good end unless he changes dramatically for the better named Matthew Whittenburg (my common-law wife's niece's oldest son) who I am pressing charges on for trespassing decided to tell me how the Newton County Division of Family Services, the Newton County Sheriff's Department, especially David Jones, and the Granby City Police, especially one Chris Moreland, a mestizo bandito, have it planned to have me jailed on a warrant for child abuse of one or more of my grandchildren, then a kangaroo-kort trial, and then a prison term in which I am to be labelled a racist and a child molester and then no more problem with Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt, perennial candidate and all-around pain in ZOG's ass. I Am To Be Railroaded For Child Molestation & Murdered In Prison
Initial [Panicky, Paranoid] Impressions, April 11, 2004
My stepdaughter, Amalie Baldwin, then Matthew's little 15 year-old girlfriend Tosha, and my second son-in-law James Baldwin have testified on videocamera as to the plot, and I have changed this VCR camera recording to digital mpeg1 format and sent the CD-ROMS all over ZOGland, including the Movement and the press.
If I am arrested and jailed and charged with all sorts of crimes, or murdered in custody then I ask that the Resistance treat me as a martyr to the Cause, and avenge me. I ask for my blood-price the families and children of the Division of Family Services, police, lawyers, judges and politicians be exterminated by slow torture by knife or death camp to some multiple of the Mark of the Beast, i.e. from 666 to 666,666. There can be no freedom or justice unless one is willing to absolutely destroy those who would destroy both freedom and justice to serve their own greed. Since those of us who are Christian believe that one righteous man without sin could save White humanity, I ask that one righteous man, i.e., myself, should be used to damn the dregs of sub-humanity.
Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt
Republican Candidate for Governor of Missouri
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