Patrick Henry Skrule of Combat Law for Non-Lawyers
This page is for those people who have been cheated and ripped off by the system and who now want
to have a bit of an inkling on how to fight back.
I do not promise that this “law school” will help you. In fact, if you use the knowledge within this page,
you might very well end up being persecuted by the current rulers of the government, who have no intention of
obeying the law. The current legal system is made up of lawyers -- persons who have sold themselves to the
government for a monopoly license to steal. The current legal system is set up to benefit only the people who
make up the rules -- nothing more, nothing less.
It has been admitted (by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes) that the current court system is
not a court of justice, but rather courts of law, from which you are supposed to try deriving “justice.”
Nonsense. The law has always been the whore of the rich and powerful. Sooner or later everyone loses
confidence in the system and the civilization collapses, with the ones at the top falling the furtherest.
If you want “justice,” then I advise you to go out and buy an assault rifle or learn chemistry or molecular
biology and then go out and make your own brand of “justice.” Don't waste your time learning government-made
However, these files are included so you will have an inkling of how to start going about causing trouble
for an unjust system working within “their” rules. Just remember and be forewarned that the government, the lawyers, the judges,
and the police do not obey the rules themselves. This school of "law" is in place to function as a method of
learning and as a fountain of anti-government propaganda.
The first step to learning anything is a willingness to learn. Hopefully you will learn from the literal "trial
and error" method which I have used, without learning from "Experience -- a teacher which keeps a dear school but one from which fools will learn in no other way" to paraphrase Benjamin Franklin.
Table of Contents:
Lindstedt's Lawsuit Cookbook
- Title 42, Section 1983
- Election Lawsuits
Combat Law Case Readings -- The Lindstedt Files
Reading the Law -- Selected Cases and Statutes
- Conley v. Gibson
- Leatherman v. Tarrant County Narcotics
- Stump v. Sparkman
Common Law
- Citizens Rule Book. The famous pamphlet that no Patriot,
Constitutionalist, or Common-Law jurist is ever without. This is the Revision 4 Whitten Press version, with
complete juror's handbook, case-law citations, and an index of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence as well as the documents.
WWW Law Libraries
As of yet, no electronic access has the authority or the convenience of paper lawbooks. Most of the law predates the electronic age and has as yet not been scanned in and formatted to be accessible in the electronic age. Where it has been done, it is usually on CD-ROM or on computer banks not available to the general public since it is usually expensive and limited to lawyers.
Some companies, especially West Publishing, feel that their previous monopoly in the print market should translate over to the electronic age. They even bribed 7 of 9 of the current U.S. Supreme Court justices with junkets and cash rewards. Such a stink was created that a law upholding the West Publishing monopoly did not pass Congress a few years ago. However, West will be back, although how public information can be lawfully copyrighted by special interests is open to debate -- and the debate will increase.
The cases presented by the editor of this WWW page are perceived as important and pivotal enough to be presented and commented upon. The U.S. Supreme Court's pronouncements are so much like Papal rulings, supposedly infallible, that advantage can be taken of them by the wily and the determined.
- Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute is one of the better places to go on the WWW to study cases. The U.S. Code is simply given, regrettably without the case annotation. By using this resource, you can actually study what the actual statutory law is as given before the courts screw it via case law.
The latest Supreme Court cases from 1990 to now is given in both ASCII text and WordPerfect formats at the Cornell WWW page and can be very valuable, especially now that the case schedule is heating up and the latest rulings are the ones deemed most infallible.
- FedWorld Supreme Court Listings The U.S. Air Force kept a database of Supreme Court decisions from 1937 to 1975. The text is all in capital letters, text based and not very well formatted, but it is still better than nothing.
- The
Citizen's Rulebook The on-line version of the common-law pamphlet by the
Whitten Press that every Patriot, Constitutionalist, FIJA activist, and Common-Law jurist
has in their pocket. The pamphlet that made the Patriot movement of the '90s roar! Also, the
index page, The Wizardkiller's Home in
Cyberspace is the Home of the Courageous Lion, and has many Christian Patriotic texts
plus Frederic Bastiat's The Law and Lysander Spooner's essays.
- People Before Lawyers is one of the most hilarious anti-lawyer WWW pages ever put up by a gentleman who has suffered at the hands of the legal misprofession.
- Self-Help Legal Clinic and Sovereign Library -- An eclectic
profusion of legal documents and inspirational tracts. One of them, Isaiah's Job is
a guaranteed Patriot tonic to cure "The Sheeples."
- The Philatelic Chautauqua
is one of the best collections of legal and patriotic philosophy. On this site one learns that "philately"
is a coined word meaning a love of things not subject to [further] taxation, much like a postage
stamp. The Chautauqua means that a debate and several positions are presented. Hence the name of this
aptly named and cogent WWW page. Basics
of Legal Research is an especially cogent article explaining how to do your basic legal
research, showing how to use a legal library, and with numerous, timely links to other WWW
legal law sites and resources. This site is recommended for a visit for anyone wanting to learn
how to use the current corrupt legal system against itself.
- U.S. Supreme Court Plus This place has
the latest Supreme Court Decisions from the past year on the WWW in ASCII text, Word4Windows,
and WordPerfect Formats. The reason for this is to sell for $145 a CD-Rom containing over
6,000 U.S. Supreme Court Decisions dating from the late 60's with some classic cases returned
as well from before that time. A very good value except that the latest cites are merely slip
opinions because they cannot use the West law cite system and the U.S. Supreme Court
seems to have stopped having their decisions printed up in the U.S. Reports, leaving the
matter up to West publishing. (From which 7 out of 9 of them got junkets and money.)
- The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals is
where I file all my Appellate briefs after I get slimed by the federal judges of the Western
District of Missouri. This Court has FTP copies of its Local Rules, some of the Federal Rules,
and a listing of the dockets for some cases. People in the 8th Judicial Circuit (Dakotas, Minnesota,
Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas) might want to check this Court WWW site out.
- Find Law This WWW page currently is
the best place to go to download U.S. Supreme Court Decisions up until the past few years.
These Supreme Court decisions can be found by U.S Reports case cite or by the name of
the parties involved. Even better, the cases re numbered internally according to the U.S. Reports
citation. Also listed is other links to the U.S. District and Appellate Courts and their case law, along with
legal filings, rulings, and briefs of current interest.
This page upgraded on July 25, 1998. Last upgraded April 19, 2003
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