Where is the Outrage?

by Luke LaVellian

..... Yesterday, the moron we are supposed to see as "our" President, met with his counterpart from Mexico, Vicente Fox, to discuss flooding "our" nation with little brown "family values advocates". We were also treated to a press conference from Mulatess Congo-leeza Rice. I was just shaking my head listening to all the crap flowing from her feces-colored face and thinking to myself: Where is the Outrage? Where are all those 'informed' citizens that the right-wing keeps telling us are going to 'wake up' any moment now? The sad thing is that I have known the answers to the above questions for some time now. The unfortunate reality is that there will NEVER be a "citizens uprising", no matter how bad things get. Reality bites, doesn't it?

..... We will either see White racist revolutionaries engage in Guerrilla activities in the future OR we will see NOTHING at all! I don't like that this is the case. I would absolutely love to think that one day "the people" will "take back" what in all actuality was never their's in the first place. I would be quite happy to indulge such thought, IF it didn't require that I take full leave of my senses.

..... No matter how racially destructive, no matter how costly a program or policy of the Imperial Corporate Regime may be, we will see no "mass reaction". The events of the last couple days should make that abundantly clear. George W.(higger) Bush could eliminate the southern border of this country ALTOGETHER and "the people" will grumble a little bit, play a game of "gee, ain't it awful" over a few beers, but they will DO absolutely, positively, NOTHING about it! We all know that this is true and at the risk of "beating a dead horse", I will provide a few examples to make my case.

A) The ZOG has recently unveiled it's new immigration policy and it goes like this: Wherever there is a kike or white traitor judeo-capitalist who wishes to acquire the cheapest possible labor, and there is a mud with 47 relatives who would all like to live off YOUR public dole, it is the "duty" of the government to bring such folks together.

..... Have you heard any REAL outrage over this?

B) Example of ZOG-Logic: What is good for the one-half of one percent is good for "America". Anyone who objects to programs and policies that eliminate his or her jobs and/or drives their wages into the toilet, is "protectionist", "wishes to raise trade barriers", and is of course, "racist"!

..... Heard any "outrage" over any of this lately?

C) Entire regions of the country are now basically un-inhabitable for White people and "our" public officials gush over how wonderful "diversity" is and what a great day it will be when all of AmeReeka looks (and smells) like Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago. ..... When is the last time "the people" expressed any outrage over this?

..... I think I'll cut this game short because I could go on all day with it. Us "evil" White racists ALL know that the masses are asses, and so do the criminal slime that rule over this destined-for-the-ash-bin-of-history imperial "nation" of ours. The kike/mason "elite" think so little of the average ass-clown at this moment, that they come right out and declare the White race finished, knowing full well that they needn't be concerned in the least about any sort of "reaction" on the part of the perpetually drooling drones who think that their "salvation" lies in a reduction of capital gains taxes and a "return" to "traditional values".

..... The "answer" is staring us all in the mirror. "Taking it back" is a silly pipe-dream that the system encourages us to buy into. WE ARE THE SOLUTION. We will never be in a position of punching a hole in a card in some voting booth, in order to decide whether our race lives or dies. We will never be asked to "come to the table" and "share" power with the murderers of our people. We will either decisively take advantage of coming events and do everything in our power to wrest power away from our enemies or we will weakly kick back and "enjoy the ride" and tell ourselves that "the people" will "do something" when things get "really bad".

..... You don't "reform" a Cancer, you eliminate it root and branch before it has the chance to do the same thing to you.

..... By all means, let's continue to educate and reach out to those individuals who are amenable to reason, but let us not lose sight of the fact that we are for the most part "on our own". That may not be as comfortable as chewing on your cud with the rest of the herd, but there are also many advantages to it. This isn't a popularity contest, and we are not "asking" the ZOG for a damn thing.

..... As I have said before: Survival is its own justification! Those who seek our undoing are hereby put on notice: I care about as much for you and your "rights" as you do for me and mine. Pretty scary, huh Zoggie?

--Luke LaVellian


"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL



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