Para.Para I have, as of late, been recieving some criticism concerning my position on Tim McVeigh and Revolutionary action in general. This article is my response to the right-wing, that is really, truth be known, praying for another "Gingrinchian" Pseudo-Revolution. Cut these folk's taxes and "let them" keep guns, that never in a million years, would they ever actually use in an effective manner, and they're happy fatted cows, whose granchildren can reap what they have sown, for all they care. Does that sound a little harsh? Oh, well, if the slave's yoke fits . . .
Para First off, OKC provides a great opportunity for a Resistance 'litmus test'. "Squeamishness" earns one an automatic DQ. One's "take" on Bob Matthews and The Order will likewise, tell you much about a persons character and priorities. If they revere Matthews, they probably "get it". On the other hand, if they think he was a "C.I.A. Operative", on a mission to make the candy-assed CONservative Right "look bad" in the eyes of their fellow herd animals, then they are much more than likely, BEYOND any possible redemption. Refer them to the nearest j.B.S(jew Birch Sociopaths) chapter, and be done with it.
ParaHere are a few commonly heard objections to White Racist Revolution, and examples on how best to dismiss these timid critters while at the same time holding up their calls for appeasement of the ZOG to the derision and scorn they truly deserve.
WHINEY "ARGUMENT" #1- - "We are a Nation of Laws"
Para ANSWER: Yes, we are a corporate entity (not a nation by any stretch of the imagination), ruled by dysgenic clowns, who hide behind hundreds of thousands of little "laws", designed to keep them from recieving their just desserts. There is absolutely nothing inherently "sacred" about any of the "laws" of man. The Bible, as well as good old, common sense, are in agreement with me. The "law" says, that my race will be brutalized and miscegenated out of existence, in relatively short order. The "law" says that there is nothing I can do about, but WHINE, until they get around to making that illegal, too! The "law" consists of entirely self-serving and anti-nature edicts, designed to hasten our biological demise. The precious "law", and all who serve it, can go straight to Hell, and may a few thousand McVeighs' start handing out the "one-way" tickets!
WHINEY "ARGUMENT" #2 -- "It's just a few 'bad apples' that give the orders that are to blame, not the low-payed mercenaries that actually fill you full of lead. They are all "innocent", just like the tens of thousands of ZOG employees, without which, the Beast would cease to function. We mustn't ever support the harming of such "good" people, lest we appear vicious and unreasonable."
ParaANSWER: Not a single individual who "plays the game", is "innocent". That is an absolutely meaningless term anyway, when one is talking about war. There are "sides" to any conflict. During a "cold stage", like the one we, as White Nationalists, will probably be leaving behind fairly soon, the field of propaganda is where the battle is waged, for the most part. What many do not wish to acknowledge, is that most have long since, "picked their team". I submit, that if an Aryan is not a "hatemongering" White Racist, in the Amereeka of 2001, then he/she is for all intents and purposes, dead from the neck up. If one thinks that a Capetown, South Africa future, is just "fine and dandy" for their White grandchildren, because "that MonHell Swilliams" fellow said so, and that "Oprah said____blah..", then they are firmly in the enemy camp and there is nothing that a reincarnated "tag-team" of Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell, could do to wake such W.O.W.S. (wastes of white skin), up. No racially-aware Aryan is a member of the Imperial Corporate Regimes' armed forces, UNLESS they are there for purposes of information gathering and/or sabotage. Rejoice when the increasingly mud military suffers losses in screw-up after screw-up. "Friendly Fire" accidents are on the increase and I wonder how much of it is due to affirmative action and how much is due to lone wolves!!?? When it comes to the BATF and FBI, the same attitude applies. From sharpshooting gook, Lon (W)Horiuchi, right on down to the little old lady, who works in the file room, there are no "innocent" ZOGites. When this conflict is officially declared "hot", no quarter will be asked for or granted. This is the nature of war, and war is a simple, necessary and nature-ordained thing. The drones who spend their existences on the "sidelines" of life, will drool and scratch their heads during the whole thing. It will command no more of their attention, then, say, one of their french-fries would, unless and until, it enters their living room and stands in the way of their talMUDvision sets.
WHINEY "ARGUMENT" #3 -- "We mustn't lower ouselves to their level!"
ParaANSWER: If you cannot speak the enemies "language", you will never sucessfully "communicate" anything to them.
ParaFinal Thought: The "Wheat" of the Resistance has been revealed for all, friend and foe alike, to see. The blight-wing "chaff" was blown away back in April of 1995, along with the contents of a certain rental truck. All other efforts for separation presupposed this one. Now we are free to speak, as well as fight, as one.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
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