
Why Revolution Is Necessary

Dr. William Pierce

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of Nov. 3, 2001


One of the most interesting developments I've seen since September 11 is
the public hinting by people in the Federal Bureau of Investigation that
it really would be helpful to them if they were permitted to torture
suspects or other people from whom they wanted information, like the
police in Israel do. These hints haven't been given a big play by the
news media, but there is a report on the subject in the October 21 issue
of the Washington Post and a column by Jonathan Alter in this week's
issue of Newsweek. These stories seem to be what the media people call
"trial balloons": give a new proposal just enough exposure to get a bit
of public reaction from the perceptive minority without alarming the
lemmings. If the response isn't strongly negative, then push the
proposal hard.

I'll read you just a few sentences from the October 21 story in the
Washington Post, to give you the flavor of the proposal. I quote: "FBI
and Justice Department investigators are increasingly frustrated by the
silence of jailed suspected associates of Osama bin Laden's al Quaeda
network, and some are beginning to say that traditional civil liberties
may have to be cast aside if they are to extract information about the
September 11 attacks and terrorist plans. . . . Said one experienced FBI
agent involved in the investigation: 'We are known for humanitarian
treatment, so basically we are stuck. . . . Usually there is some
incentive, some angle to play, what you can do for them. But it could
get to that spot where we could go to pressure . . . where we won't have
a choice, and we are probably getting there.' Among the alternative
strategies under discussion are using drugs or pressure tactics, such as
those employed occasionally by Israeli interrogators, to extract
information." -- end of quote --

Well, the article goes on to quote other FBI officials who are
"frustrated" by their inability to "extract information" from some
suspects and who wish that they could use drugs or "pressure tactics" --
that's a euphemism for torture -- like the Israelis do, and more than
"occasionally." Actually the story, by Walter Pincus, is pretty low key.
It nowhere says that there already is a plan to use torture, just
"wouldn't it be nice if we could." And he quotes a former senior FBI
official who believes that the American public will go along with such a
plan if there is another terror attack on the United States. And, of
course, there will be. As I said, the article reads like a "trial

It's a funny thing: after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, the Jewish
media were all over my 1978 novel, The Turner Diaries, claiming that a
fictional bombing of the FBI headquarters building in Washington that
occurred in the novel was a "blueprint" for the Oklahoma City bombing.
They really wanted to tie the Oklahoma City bombing to me and to
everyone else who had criticized the Jews' monopoly control of the news
and entertainment media. I won't be surprised when they discover that
the last chapter of The Turner Diaries describes a suicide attack on the
Pentagon with a bomb-carrying airplane and then begin claiming that that
was a "blueprint" for the September 11 attack on the Pentagon. There's
something else in The Turner Diaries, however, that I'm quite certain
they won't try to blame on me, and that is my description of the
adoption of torture as an interrogation technique by the FBI. In the
book, published 23 years ago, I described quite vividly the FBI's
torture of a terrorism suspect, using the services of an experienced
Israeli torturer. The media bosses won't blame the current yearning in
the FBI for the authorization to use torture on my book because they
themselves also are solidly in favor of the use of torture. It is no
mere coincidence that both the Washington Post story and the Newsweek
column are written by Jews.

They also are solidly in favor of every other measure to strengthen the
hand of the government in dealing with its opponents -- and not just
with terrorists. They would like to put an end to all dissent, to all
Politically Incorrect speech or writing or expression of opinion: an end
to all opposition to them and to the government. And really, the media
and the government are far too close to being one and the same these
days. That's quite a different situation from the one we had 30 years
ago, during the Vietnam war, and the situation is far more dangerous
today than it was then. Then, when Jewish and Marxist groups were
burning ROTC buildings on our university campuses, setting off bombs in
banks and other businesses they claimed were supporting the White
government in South Africa, and committing other acts of terrorism on a
continuing basis, if the FBI had suggested that perhaps it should use
torture in interrogating terrorist suspects, the media would have gone
ballistic and screamed for the head of the FBI director.

Well, if the FBI begins using torture now, at least the government can
claim that it is just going along with tradition. After all, it wasn't
so long ago that witches were tortured to make them confess to having
congress with the devil -- and also to reveal the names of other witches
or sorcerers. The torture was justified on the grounds that it was
essential for the safety and welfare of the public: you can't allow
witches and sorcerers to run around putting spells on people; the
government needs to find out who they are so that it can get them off
the street. Of course, the danger from witches wasn't real, so the
government wasn't justified in using torture in the 17th century, but
the danger from terrorists today is real, and many people believe that
justifies the use of torture and the curtailment of other civil
liberties. And my answer to that is that the danger of terrorism today
is real only because the government has made it real through its own
policies: policies that it could change at will, eliminating the danger
of terrorism without limiting the freedom of Americans.

Unfortunately, however, the government not only refuses to admit that
any of its policies are the cause of terrorism against Americans; it is
moving with unseemly haste to silence anyone who dares to suggest that
is the case. The ghastly new law, the badly misnamed "USA PATRIOT" law
signed by George Bush last week, is a giant step in that direction. The
"USA PATRIOT" title is a highly contrived acronym standing for "Uniting
and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism." The new law is both un-American and
unpatriotic. It is also un-Constitutional, although you shouldn't make
any wagers that the Supreme Court will overturn it. The law specifically
trashes the Fourth Amendment, and it is aimed at intimidating all
opponents of the government or its policies into silence by threatening
to put them into the category of being suspected "supporters of
terrorism," whereupon they immediately lose all of their civil liberties
and become, in effect, outlaws.

The new law certainly succeeded in intimidating nearly every legislator
in the Congress even before George Bush signed it on Friday of last
week. The bill's sponsors rammed it through the Congress without any of
the customary debate or public hearings or opportunity to modify it. The
customary legislative process of "regular order" was completely
short-circuited, and terrified Congressman dared not protest or vote
against the bill from fear of being denounced as "unpatriotic."
Denounced by whom, you ask? By the media, of course, which were solidly
behind the new law. It was reminiscent of the witch trials of 400 years
ago, when people who knew that the accused was innocent were afraid to
speak up lest they too be accused of being in league with the devil.

If you still believe that the people elected by the voters to the U.S.
Senate and House of Representatives are America's "leaders" and are
looking out for the interests of the public, you should contemplate in
detail the course of the "USA PATRIOT" bill through the Congress. Nearly
90 per cent of the members of the Congress, Republicans and Democrats,
all of whom took a solemn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution,
let themselves be stampeded by fear of media criticism into damaging the
Constitution in a grievous way -- perhaps into striking a death blow
against the Constitution -- by voting for this bill. And George Bush was
his usual smirking self as he triumphantly signed it into law last

Now Jewish billionaire Larry Ellison, the principal owner of Oracle, the
country's second-largest software company, is trying to persuade the
government to require everyone to carry a national identity card that
will allow the FBI to keep track of their movements. Ellison has
generously offered to provide the software without charge to the FBI to
operate the tracking system. In the government the biggest booster of
Ellison's national identity plan is Senator Diane Feinstein, who heads
the Senate subcommittee on terrorism.

Hey! It's not Osama bin Laden who hates America's freedom: it's our
government, our media, and people like Larry Ellison and Diane

If you've been listening to many of my broadcasts, you know what I think
about democracy and democrats. I think democracy is a lousy political
system, and it is inherently crooked. It pretends to put power into the
hands of the majority of the people -- which is a stupid idea in itself
-- while it actually puts power into the hands of the tiny minority that
control the opinions of the majority: namely, the media bosses. And I
loathe Democrats: they are demagogues who seek power for themselves by
appealing to society's resentful losers and dispensing bread and
circuses paid for by society's more productive elements.

But as much as I hate Democrats, I hate and fear Republicans even more:
especially conservative Republicans: for example, Chief Supreme Court
Justice William Rehnquist, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Vice
President Richard Cheney, and George W. Bush. It is among the
conservative politicians and bureaucrats that one finds the greatest
mania for regimenting people, for making everyone march in step and sing
in tune, for slapping down anyone who gets out of line, for sticking the
government's nose into every aspect of people's lives. And I'll
guarantee you, the mania these conservative politicians and bureaucrats
have for controlling citizens and suppressing dissent is not based on
either patriotism or a conviction that it's for our own good. They are
crooks and liars, and the only good they're concerned about is their

You know, just because I have one view of an issue, and a politician has
a different view, doesn't in itself mean that the politician is a crook
and a liar. People -- even politicians -- are entitled to have different
opinions about things. But when a politician like George Bush announces
to the nation in completely unambiguous terms that the September 11
attack was unprovoked and was simply an expression of hatred by
fundamentalist Muslims for America's freedom and democracy, it's not a
difference of opinion; the man is simply lying. He's lying consciously
and deliberately. He's lying to the whole nation on a matter of the
utmost importance. This is much, much more reprehensible -- much, much
more dangerous for the country -- than Bill Clinton's lies about the
sexual services he was receiving in the Oval Office from a Jewish

George Bush has lied us into a war -- for two very obvious reasons.
First, just as the members of the Congress were afraid to question the
new anti-terrorism bill from fear of being painted by the media as
"unpatriotic," George Bush is afraid to talk about the provocation which
caused the September 11 attack -- namely, the U.S. government's support
of Israeli aggression against her neighbors -- because he knows that the
media would then accuse him of "anti-Semitism."

And second, if he raised the subject of the provocation, he would have
to explain why the government pursued such a policy. He would have to
talk about the enormous power of organized Jewry over government policy,
and again that would cause the controlled media to denounce him as an
"anti-Semite." And he also would stand revealed as a man who had
consciously followed a policy dictated by organized Jewry knowing that
it was a policy harmful to America. He would stand revealed as a man at
least partly responsible, along with his predecessors, who knowingly
followed the same policy, for the September 11 attack. He would stand
revealed as a traitor, who had served a foreign power to the detriment
of American security and welfare.

You know, being a traitor is a bit like grabbing a tiger by the tail.
Once you embark on that course, you can't go back. It's either hang on
or be hanged. So George Bush lies to the whole country about a matter of
the utmost importance and continues serving his alien masters. And the
man smirks about it.

Such a man cannot be trusted. A government headed by such a President
cannot be trusted. Any reasonable patriot must fear such a government
when it is given the powerful tools for repression that are in the new
"USA PATRIOT" law and when its secret police agencies begin suggesting
that it would be nice if they were permitted to torture suspects in
order to extract information. And such a government especially should be
feared when it is in cahoots with the news media. In a free society one
force that keeps the government from getting completely out of control
is a free press. Even when the media also are crooked, if they at least
are hostile to the government they can keep the government in check. But
when crooked media are in cahoots with a crooked government, the country
is in real trouble. And that is the situation we're in now.

In America's present situation, terrorism is the least of our problems.
Certainly, it is a bad thing when our country is so hated by much of the
rest of the world because of our government's policies that airliners
are hijacked and flown into office buildings, killing thousands of
Americans. Certainly it is a bad thing when anthrax-infected letters are
mailed around the country, killing innocent people and causing major
disruptions in the postal service. But these things are nothing compared
to the loss of our civil liberties. They are nothing compared to the
danger of a treasonous, lying government. They are nothing compared to
the damage done to our society by mass media of news and entertainment
being in the hands of an alien minority pursuing its own agenda.

Americans made far greater sacrifices 225 years ago to secure civil
liberties that King George III was denying them than they made in New
York and Washington on September 11. When we are obliged to fight again
to restore civil liberties now being given up so lightly by an
irresponsible and thoughtless public seeking more security, the loss of
lives and property will be far greater than in the World Trade Center
attack. When we take the necessary actions to regain control of our mass
media and our government, the disruption and suffering will be
incomparably greater than that caused by the current anthrax terrorism.

In other words, even if the terrorism threat to Americans were a
thousand times greater than we have experienced so far -- even if
terrorism cost us five million lives instead of five thousand -- it
would not be as harmful to us and as great a threat to our national
survival as a treasonous government and alien-controlled mass media. The
public, frightened of terrorism, may be willing to give up its freedom
in the hope of gaining more security, but it will end up with neither.
Unfortunately, the minority of us who really value our freedom will lose
it too.

And you know, none of this is necessary. It is easy for us to eliminate
-- or at least greatly reduce -- the threat of terrorism without giving
up any of our civil liberties. Without scrapping the Bill of Rights it
is possible for the Sally Soccermoms and the Joe Sixpacks to go back to
cruising the malls and watching the ball games without having to worry
about being hit by a hijacked airliner or opening an anthrax-infected
letter. It is possible for them to have their comfort and security and
for us to have our freedom at the same time.

Regimentation is not necessary for security. The authoritarians in our
government would like to regiment the people whether there is a threat
of terrorism or not, but regimentation isn't necessary. The way to
eliminate the threat of terrorism is to eliminate the causes of
terrorism. And as far as terrorism from outside the country is
concerned, the cause is the U.S. government's blind support of Israeli
aggression in the Middle East. Every recent terrorist attack against
Americans by foreigners has had this single cause: the 1993 bombing of
the World Trade Center, the 1998 bombing of our embassies in Kenya and
Tanzania, the 1996 bombing of our servicemen in Saudi Arabia, last
year's bombing of the USS Cole, and the September 11 attack on New York
and Washington. In fact, we can go back much further, even to the
bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, which killed 241
Americans. None of these attacks would have occurred if the U.S.
government had pursued a policy in the Middle East based on American
interests instead of on Jewish interests.

To eliminate or greatly reduce domestic terrorism, more than a change in
U.S. foreign policy is required. Here's an example: the Jewish media now
are entertaining the theory that the anthrax letters causing so much
anxiety are being mailed by neo-Nazi groups inside the United States.
Even though the anthrax letters refer specifically to Israel and close
with the words "Allah is great," Jews are speculating that because all
of the letters were mailed inside the United States and so many of the
targets were media figures -- that is, Jews -- they could have been
mailed by domestic anti-Semites rather than by Muslim backers of Osama
bin Laden.

Perhaps so, but that still remains to be seen. The relevant fact is that
domestic terrorism that would have been inconceivable 50 or 60 years ago
is becoming increasingly common. Fifty years ago no American would have
considered launching a campaign of anthrax terrorism in this country.
Today it is at least conceivable. And it's not that the technology is
new. Any reasonably resourceful graduate student in microbiology can
find anthrax spores or other lethal pathogens in the natural
environment, identify them, isolate them, cultivate them in a small
laboratory using inexpensive equipment, and grow enough of them to
inoculate hundreds of letters. And he could have done the same thing 50
years ago. The spores always have been around, and the techniques are
not new. What is new is the motivation.

What is new is the enormously greater corruption and irresponsibility of
our government today and the consequent distrust of the government by
perceptive citizens. What is new is the enormously greater intrusion of
the government into the lives of law-abiding citizens today and the
consequent hatred of the government by freedom-loving Americans. What is
new is the enormously greater degree of alienation on the part of most
Americans -- at least on the part of those Americans who care about more
than mall cruising and televised ball games. The principal cause of this
alienation is, again, the government, with its destructive immigration
policy and its destructive program of forced multiculturalism.

That's easy enough to understand, but to act on our understanding in
order to eliminate the cause of either foreign or domestic terrorism
will require the replacement not only of the present U.S. government but
also of the system on which it is based. Which is to say, until we have
a thoroughly cleansing revolution in America, we must endure more and
more terrorism and more and more loss of freedom at the same time.

Thanks for being with me again today.


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