To: Jim Givens From: Martin Lindstedt Bcc: Jeanne Bojarski, etc. Subject: The MoLP Platform, 1996, Part 2 Time: 12:44 a.m. 3/27/96 You should receive another file with both the Platform of Specific Planks and the Statement of Principles. Bill Johnson, former Executive Director of the Missouri Libertarian Party, proposed what is now the called the Statement of Principles back in June of 1995. At the Convention, little work was done on this Platform. There was criticism concerning the absence of a "Drug Prohibition" Plank and the presence of the code-words "family values." Due to that criticism, there were changes drafted by myself so that now we have a plank regarding drugs and the offending sentence concerning helping the family was deleted. Now everyone can rest assured that we are for drugs and against family values. At the August 1995 Expediting Committee, I proposed that a Platform Committee be formed so that areas of disagreement could be worked out before the Sept. Platform convention. It was agreed to, and members volunteered. However, with the exception of Jackie Bradbury, and the Higgins's of St. Louis who critiqued portions at their St. Louis meetings, there has been no other input offered. J. Mark Oglesby did not think that the Drug Prohibition Plank I put in was strong enough, so he proposed one. As he is a member of the Platform Committee, and the only one who proposed specific changes, in it went. If the Statement of Principles passes, please choose one and only one plank. The rest of J. Mark's suggestions only concerned deletions, so I ignored them. If the general membership doesn't like a plank, it can delete it at its leisure. This platform is designed to take the place of the original platform whichhas pretty much been the same for 4 years now. It is designed to fit on one page -- double printed, with the Statement of Principles to fit on one side, the Statement of Specific Planks on the other. A Program or statement of priorities should be furnished by the candidate. If a candidate doesn't like a particular side of the Platform, the candidate need not print it. There is much for all to like and to dislike. Perhaps by allowing everyone to have their own bit of freedom, perhaps we all can live together in Platform peace. The Platform Convention of September 17, 1995 was marred by members present voting to disenfranchise and disallow the proxy votes collected by myself once it was figured out that with the 2/3 rule to pass, 1/3 to strip a plank, that I and my proxies had effective veto power over the Platform. After using majority rule to strip away those proxies and in effect to disenfranchise eight members in good standing of the Missouri Libertarian Party, I decided to only throw the old platform to the wolves. With a four minute proposal, debate and vote rule for planks, the net result could best be described as a truly Libertarian hour or so of anarchy, as what should have been accomplished by steady work over 3 months and one week was attempted within two hours. However, some new planks were proposed and some obviously archaic ones were deleted. Since September 17, 1995, absolutely nothing of account has been accomplished on the Platform sector other than three planks drafted by myself. Other than 3 new proposals, absolutely nothing new has been added since the platform papers distributed by myself were handed out on Sept. 17, 1996. That was over six months ago. Therefore, I present this final draft electronically and ask that it be published in Show Me Freedom, the official newsletter of the Missouri Libertarian Party. Since today was the last day for filing as a candidate, this last newsletter before the Convention will have the most up-to-date news of relevance. At previous meetings of the MoLP Expediting Committee, I have requested that this combined Platform be printed in ballot form and the 200+ membership be allowed to vote up or down on it in whole or by its parts. That majority rule should prevail, not the present 2/3-1/3 formula for chaos, and that if the majority should so rule, that it be held binding and not be merely a "straw-poll." I also propose that people be allowed to mail in their votes if they cannot attend the Convention, and that the votes be counted at the Convention. If the resulting Platform becomes too chaotic, that then and only then should matters be arranged on the floor to smooth things over. I don't think that 10-12 string-pullers should be allowed to continually circumvent the wishes of a majority of Libertarians because if this sort of thing continues, there will be nothing left of our Party except 10-12 string-pullers. By putting a [Y] and a [N] at the top of each page and section, voting upon the Platform can take place as a whole and by specific sections. If the majority does not like the entire Statement of Specific Planks, then if they outnumber those who like all of it or parts of it, out goes the entire Statement of Specific Planks. If a majority does not like a specific plank or principle, then out it goes. Note: this arrangement favors keeping both sides of the platform around, and also the exclusion of the more objectional planks. There is no time left for drafting or amending the Platform. With only one day at the Convention, what with the planned speakers, electioneering, and everything else planned, there will be no time for anything other than a superficial glance at the Platform. It will have to be ratified by the general membership of 200+ or by the 42+ who showed up last year. I prefer Platform ratification by the most members possible. Would those MoLP members on this bcc e-mail list please distribute this Platform by local telephone call or letter as widely as possible? Thank you, Martin Lindstedt MoLP Platform Committee Chairman
[Y] [N] Missouri Libertarian Party Platform 1996 Statement of Specific Planks [Y] [N] Preamble In affirmation of our traditional respect for individual life, liberty, and property, the members of the Missouri Libertarian Party do establish our Platform and Program for the people of Missouri, in accordance with our State Constitution, to ensure harmony, abundance, and self-government to all citizens of our State. To accomplish these goals, we propose the following: [Y] [N] EDUCATION [Y] [N] * Move toward privatization of government public schools [Y] [N] * Eliminate state and federal control of local schools [Y] [N] * Institute voucher programs [Y] [N] * End restrictions on home schooling [Y] [N] * We oppose Goals 2000, Outcome Based Education, and Senate Bill 380 [Y] [N] HEALTH CARE [Y] [N] * Allow the free market to offer a wider range of competitively priced services by relaxing restrictions on nurse practitioners, midwifery, alternative medicine, and self-medication [Y] [N] * Make all medical expenses tax-deductible as an interim measure [Y] [N] * Establish tax-free "MediSave Accounts" [Y] [N] TAXES [Y] [N] * Support the third Hancock Amendment (no tax increases without voter approval. [Y] [N] * Prohibit sales taxes on food and prescription drugs [Y] [N] * Initiate ceilings on personal property taxes [Y] [N] * Eliminate Missouri State Income Taxes [Y] [N] JUSTICE [Y] [N] * Support victims' rights and restitution [Y] [N] * Repeal statutes regarding victimless crimes [Y] [N] * Oppose formation of a Missouri Bureau of Investigation [Y] [N] * Privatize prison and parole programs and demand accountability [Y] [N] * Eliminate mandatory sentencing [Y] [N] * Support a Fully Informed Jury Amendment [Y] [N] * End monopoly enforced by the American and Missouri Bar Association [Y] [N] * Allow victims to privately prosecute crimes or wrongs [Y] [N] * No "Sovereign Immunity" for criminal acts of omission or commission performed by judges, prosecutors, and policemen [Y] [N] JOBS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [Y] [N] * Eliminate mandated benefits [Y] [N] * Restore a free market by removing subsidies, forced "marketing" cooperatives, economic development agencies, and any other method of regulating economic activity through political means. [Y] [N] * Eliminate tax abatements for favored businesses, fees (other than user fees), licenses, occupational licenses, and the private use of eminent domain [Y] [N] * Privatize government businesses and terminate state competition with private firms [Y] [N] ELECTIONS [Y] [N] * Support fair ballot access and free and open elections [Y] [N] * Paper Ballots, allowing for re-inspection, shall be henceforth used in elections, i.e. no purely "electronic" or "computer" voting [Y] [N] * Oppose gerrymandering [Y] [N] * Support proportional representation of popular vote for electors in presidential elections [Y] [N] * Support reduction of signatures required for ballot initiative [Y] [N] * The government shall enact no candidate qualifications beyond Constitutional requirements [Y] [N] * Allow voters to vote for "None of the Above." If the number of "None" voters are in the majority, then that election will be re-held with different candidates, with the office remaining vacant until filled by election. [Y] [N] * Allow "open" ballots within primary elections so that voters can choose one candidate for an elected position from among choices offered by different political parties instead of having to vote "straight ticket" [Y] [N] PRIVACY * Define an explicit right to privacy in the Missouri Constitution [Y] [N] 10th AMENDMENT RESOLUTION [Y] [N] * Hold a ballot initiative and referendum to place in the Missouri Constitution enforcement of the U.S. 10th Amendment [Y] [N] * No federal or State law, statute, or regulation shall be enforced, or no arrest made outside of Federal or State property without the support and supervision of the relevant County Sheriff's Department. [Y] [N] * No municipal or county statute, ordinance, or regulation shall be enforced on private property except common-law customs and injunctions against violations of life, liberty, or property. [Y] [N] * Citizens shall be allowed to use any and all measures up to and including deadly force against any government official violating unalienable rights to life, liberty, or property under color of law. However, citizens will be held to account for using such measures, afterwards. [Y] [N] * There is no such thing as sovereign immunity. Government agents are responsible for any crimes they commit on or off duty. [Y] [N] REPEAL DRUG PROHIBITION [Y] [N] * The government shall not make any laws regarding tobacco or alcohol use on private property. [Y] [N] * Smoking and tobacco use shall be permitted in one or more allotted smoking rooms in public buildings and offices. If a person desires to use tobacco in work spaces, that person shall be allowed to provided any and all co-workers agree. [Y] [N] * There shall be no special taxes on alcohol or tobacco above double the level of taxation for food items. [Y] [N] * No person shall be fined or imprisoned for the private use of any drug or narcotic. [Y] [N] * All persons imprisoned for the private use of drugs shall be pardoned and released immediately. [Y] [N] * Any person imprisoned for the sale of marijuana shall be pardoned and released provided that the sale was not to a minor, or that any felony was committed arising from the sale. [Y] [N] CONCEALED CARRY [Y] [N] * Revision of Article I, Section 23, Constitution of Missouri, Bill of Rights. The Exception, "but this will not justify the wearing of concealed weapons," is to be stricken. Any citizen who has not been convicted of a felony involving the use of a weapon shall be allowed to carry a concealed weapon without need for any permit or license. [Y] [N] * Any person convicted on the charge alone of carrying a concealed weapon shall be released from prison immediately. [Y] [N] THE MILITIA * Any citizen willing and able to carry a weapon shall be allowed to own and use any weapon suitable for resisting criminal activity or government tyranny -- foreign or domestic.
[Y] [N] Missouri Libertarian Party Platform 1995-1996 Statement of Principles [Y] [N] Preamble We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual. We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live as they choose, so long as they do not interfere with the equal right of others to live as they choose. We hold that government must not violate the rights of any individual and that people should not be forced to sacrifice their lives, liberty or property for the benefit of others. [Y] [N] Individual Sovereignty No decision should be made by Congress which could be made by the legislatures of the several states; no decision should be made by state legislators when it could be made by referendum; no statewide referendum should be held when the several counties might better determine the merits of the issue one by one; and no county, city, or town should force the will of the majority upon the individual when it can possibly be avoided. The purpose of government is to protect the rights of the individual--nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. [Y] [N] Personal Responsibility The wisdom -- and the consequences -- of any peaceful course of action are properly the domain of individual conviction. It is improper for the state or society to force its will upon an individual "for his own protection" or for any imagined benefit to society that must be gained at the expense of individual liberty and the freedom to make one's own mistakes. [Y] [N] The Family Government should not interfere with basic societal structures such as the family. It is not the state's function to define or limit concepts such as marriage, or to regulate consensual adult sexual activity. We believe that families are entitled to dispose of their property as they desire, rather than having it taken from them and spent by the state on their purported behalf. [Y] [N] Freedom of Religion We defend the rights of individuals to engage in any religious activities that do not violate the rights of others. We oppose government actions that either aid or attack any religion. Government harassment or obstruction of religious groups for their beliefs or non-violent activities must end. [Y] [N] Education We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with the free choice of individuals. They also require onerous taxation of non-parents as part of their funding scheme. As an interim measure, we support the use of voucher programs and tax credits for those who choose to educate their children at home or in a private institution. [Y] [N] Poverty and Unemployment We oppose all government-funded "entitlement" programs which forcibly redistribute wealth from one individual to another. No person is entitled to the property of another under other conditions than those of voluntary trade or charity. We believe that the current welfare state encourages dependency rather than initiative, that it fosters poverty and unemployment rather than self-help and prosperity, and that it is built upon the immoral concept that one man may justly demand his livelihood at the cost of unwilling others. [Y] [N] The Right to Property All rights are inextricably linked with property rights. Such rights as the freedom from involuntary servitude as well as the freedom of speech and the freedom of press are based on self-ownership. We demand an end to the taxation of privately owned real property, which actually makes the State the owner of all lands and forces individuals to rent their homes and places of business from the State. Where property, including land, has been taken from its rightful owners by the government or private action in violation of individual rights, we demand full restitution to the rightful owners. In addition, we demand a repeal of immoral and unconstitutional "asset forfeiture" regulations which allow the confiscation of property without requiring proof of its unlawful use. [Y] [N]Repeal Drug Prohibition (If passed, choose one provision) [Y] [N] Drug Prohibition maintains the profit margins of smugglers, fills our prisons, spreads AIDS, increases government power over the lives of citizens, corrupts the police and judiciary, and rides rough shod over the Bill of Rights. Time to end it. [Y] [N] PROHIBITION: It's time to look at the devastating side effects of the "War on Drugs." Drug Gangs, fueled by billions in profits, can now afford to take their operations nationwide. The lure of easy money attracts criminals from around the world. Robbers, murderers, rapists are set free from prisons in order to make room for drug-law violators. There can no longer be any doubt that our crime rate is directly linked to prohibition laws. [Y] [N] Accountability We support Congressional investigation of criminal activities of the BATF and FBI and of wrongdoing by other governmental agencies. [Y] [N] The Right to Keep and Bear Arms An armed citizenry is essential to a free society. We affirm the right to keep and bear arms by law abiding citizens, be they individuals or members of a voluntary association or militia. We favor the repeal of laws banning the concealment of weapons. [Y] [N] Discrimination Individual rights shall not be denied, abridged, or enhanced at the expense of other people's rights by the laws at any level of government. Anti-discrimination enforced by the government is the reverse side of the coin, and will for the same reasons create the same problems. [Y] [N] Rights of the Accused Until such time as persons are proved guilty of crimes, they should be accorded full respect for their individual rights. We are thus opposed to reduction of constitutional safeguards of the rights of the criminally accused. We oppose labeling cases as "civil" strictly to avoid the due-process protections of criminal law and we further oppose governmental civil and criminal pretrial seizure of property for criminal offenses. [Y] [N] Juries Judges should be required to inform the jurors of their common law right to judge the law, as well as the facts, and to acquit a criminal defendant, and to find against the government in a civil trial, whenever they deem the law unjust, unconstitutional, or defective. [Y] [N] The Economy The only proper role of government in the economic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. [Y] [N] Elections In order to grant voters a full range of choice in federal, state, and local elections, we propose the addition of the alternative "None of the above is acceptable" to all ballots. [Y] [N] World Government We support withdrawal of the United States government from, and an end to its financial support for, the United Nations. Specifically, we oppose any U.S. policy designating the United Nations as policeman of the world, committing U.S. troops to wars at the discretion of the U.N., or placing U.S. troops under U.N. command. We oppose U.S. government participation in any world or international government. [Y] [N] Secession We recognize the right to political secession. This includes the right to secession by political entities, private groups, or individuals. Exercise of this right, like the exercise of all other rights, does not remove legal and moral obligations not to violate the rights of others.