This organization shall be known as the 32d State Senatorial District Libertarian Party Central Committee, a subdivision of the Missouri Libertarian Party, hereinafter referred to as the Central Committee.
The Central Committee shall consist of all county committee members within the 32d State Senatorial District.
ARTICLE IV -- OFFICERSSection 1. -- The Central Committee shall be the legal representative of the Missouri Libertarian Party in the 32d State Senatorial District. It shall be the duty of the Central Committee to represent the interests of the Libertarian voters in 32d State Senatorial District.
Section 2. -- The elected, or appointed, committee members comprise the Central Committee and these officials have the responsibility of building a strong party organization within this district. They are to represent the views of party members in the district to the Central Committee. They shall perform such other duties in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of their County Committees.
ARTICLE IV -- DUTIES OF OFFICERSSection 1. -- (a) The officers of the Central Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, who are members of the central committee; and a Secretary and a Treasurer, who may or may not be members of the Central Committee. If either the Secretary or the Treasurer is not a member of the Central Committee, then he or she shall have non-voting, ex-officio status.
(b) There shall be elected a Sergeant-at-arms.
Section 2. -- (a) A parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chairperson and serve at his or her pleasure.
(b)The Chairperson may appoint additional officers, agents, or employees and define their duties and powers, subject to the advice and consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the Central Committee.
Section 3. -- The two delegates to the State Committee will be elected by votes of the Chair and Vice Chair of the counties composing the Senatorial District, who will live in the Senatorial District. This measure is enacted so that the principles of Senatorial-based geographical representation are paramount, as opposed to mere majority rule.
Section 1 -- .The Chairperson of the Central Committee shall preside at all meetings of the Central Committee and with such limitations as hereafter may be prescribed, act for the Central Committee when it is not in session and have the general direction and control of the campaigns and affairs of the party in the County subject to the directions of the Central Committee. The Chairperson shall distribute election credentials to duly elected committeemembers.Section 2. -- The Vice-Chairperson of the Central Committee shall preside over the Central Committee in the absence of the Chairperson and act as the Chairperson in his or her absence.
Section 3. -- The Secretary shall maintain or assist in maintaining a record of the meetings of the Central Committee. He or she shall attest to the signature of the Chairperson to all calls and any other official documents being necessary by the Central Committee. During the absence of the Secretary, the Chairperson shall appoint one of the members to act as Secretary. All records of the Secretary are official records of the Central Committee.
Section 4. -- (a) Except as hereinafter provided, the Treasurer shall receive all money for the Central Committee, deposit same in an account in the name of the Central Committee. No payments shall be made by the Treasurer, except on order of the Central Committee, provided however, the Treasurer shall be authorized and directed to pay fixed and recurring operating expenses, as defined by the Central Committee. In addition, the Treasurer shall be authorized to make such further payments as the Chairperson shall direct in writing, but not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00).
(b). The Treasurer shall keep a record of all receipts and expenditures, report the balance on hand at each meeting of the Central Committee, and file any statutory financial reports with the proper authorities.
(c). The Treasurer shall countersign all checks with the Chairperson. The Central Committee may call upon the Treasurer at various times during the calendar year for all the amounts of receipts and disbursements and such other information as they may wish to view. The treasurer may be required by the Central Committee to give bond in such sums as may be required by the Central Committee.
(d) Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the Central Committee from establishing special committees for special purposes such as campaign committees, finance committees, dinner or other fund-raising committees. The Treasurer of the Central Committee shall act as Treasurer for any such special committees.
Section 5. -- The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be the peace officer of the Central Committee, preserve order and perform the duties that pertain to that office and obey all orders of the Chairperson as directed by the Central Committee.
Section 6. -- The parliamentarian shall upon request give advice to the Chair regarding matters of parliamentary procedure.
Section 1. -- After the primary election in which the new members of the Central Committee are elected, the new Central Committee shall meet in August to perfect its organization. This meeting shall be held in the County. At least seven (7) days before a meeting is held, the incumbent Chairperson is to notify the committee members-elect and the state Chairperson as to the hour and place of the meeting. Notice is also required to be released to a local newspaper.Section 2. -- Regular meetings of the Central Committee shall be held monthly with time and date set by a majority of the members. No regular meeting shall be canceled without a majority vote of the members. The Chairperson shall notify the Central Committee in writing as to the date, hour and place of each regular meeting at least seven (7) days before the meeting is to be held. All business pertaining to party affairs may be transacted at a regular meeting.
Section 3. -- Special meetings of the Central Committee shall be upon call of the Chairperson whenever he or she thinks it to be in the interest of the party or when requested to do so in writing by twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Central Committee. The Chairperson shall call a special meeting within seven (7) days from the date he or she receives the petition request.
Section 4. -- All meetings of the Central Committee, its Executive Committee, and all other official party committees, commissions and bodies created by the Central Committee shall be open to the public and votes shall not be taken by secret ballot, except when a motion for a closed meeting or for a secret ballot is adopted by three-quarters (3/4) of the members present and voting.
Section 1. -- A simple majority of the entire Central Committee, including proxies, shall constitute a quorum.Section 2. -- Proxies shall be allowed, but need not be notarized except for voting upon election, retention or removal of officers. Written proxies will be submitted to the officers of the central committee one week in advance of the scheduled meeting.
Section 3 -- Just as this Central Committee honors the proxies of its individual members not present, this Central Committee demands that its delegate proxies be honored by other State and District Missouri Libertarian Party Central Committees.
Section 1. -- Nominations shall be individually; not by slate. Each officer shall be nominated and voted on separately. if no candidate receives a simple majority of those present and voting, a run-off election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes.Section 2. -- Officers shall hold office until a new Central Committee has been elected and their successors have been elected and qualified. However, in the event of death, resignation, impeachment or disqualification, a new election shall be held for those vacated offices at the next second regularly scheduled meeting of the Central Committee or at a special meeting called for that purpose.
Impeachment charges may be brought against an officer of the Central Committee by any member at any regular or special meeting of the Central Committee. The charges must show cause for removal from office. The officer so charged shall be given the opportunity to reply to the charges and if not present at the meeting at which charges are made, voting on the question shall be deferred until the next regularly scheduled meeting. A majority vote of the entire Central Committee shall be necessary to remove any officer of the Central Committee.
Whenever any vacancy shall occur on the Central Committee. a majority of the remaining Central Committee members shall have the power to fill such vacancy by electing any qualified voter who resides in the township to be represented. The recommendation of the remaining Central Committee member from the township shall be given first consideration. Such vacancy must be filled by the second next regularly scheduled meeting of the Central Committee.
ARTICLE XI Committees
The Chairperson shall appoint the following standing committees, and such other standing committees or special committees as he or she desires, with the advice and consent of the Central Committee; Audit, Finance, Publicity and County Council Liaison. Each such committee shall have as its Chairperson a member of the Central Committee, but may include persons who are not a member of the Central Committee. The Central Committee shall establish the rules, scope and purpose of each committee.No member of the Finance Committee shall be a member of the Audit Committee.
Meetings of the Central Committee shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order as most recently revised.
The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire Central Committee, provided that any such proposed amendments shall be presented at a regular meeting and action taken at the succeeding regular meeting. All members of the Central Committee shall be given notice in writing as to the wording of the proposed amendments at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which action is to be taken.
When voting to select a candidate for public office to run in a special election, the Central Committee members voting shall each have one vote, rather than using a weighted voting method.
This Constitution shall take effect upon approval of the majority of the Central Committee.
The 32d Senatorial District is hereby formed.
The 32d Senatorial Constitution will mirror, as much as possible, the Newton and Jasper County Constitutions.
We hereby elect delegates to the State Committee.
We hereby ratify this Constitution at a regular meeting of the Central Committee held at Joplin, Missouri on July 5, 1996:
Martin Lindstedt, 32d State Senatorial District Chairman, delegate to State Committee
Mark Sanders, 32d State Senatorial District Treasurer, delegate to State Committee
Hal Williams, 32d State Senatorial District Vice-Chair, alternate delegate to State Committee
Roxie Fausnaught, alternate delegate to State Committee
and assented to by the following 32d State Senatorial District Libertarians:
Mike Lindstedt, Candidate, Newton County Commissioner, 7/6/96
Mary Lou Graham, Secretary, Newton County Libertarian Party, July 18, 1996
Francis Biss, II, Sergeant-at-Arms, Newton County Libertarian Party, 27 July, 1996
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